Never Forget

September 2, 2024

Dear Flight Attendants,

Aviation security is personal to us. No matter the uniform we wear, the routes we fly, or the years we have worn our wings we will always remember the events of September 11th, lift up our heroes and do everything in our power to ensure the events are never repeated.

Everything changed twenty-three years ago on September 11, 2001. We are not only first responders to emergencies affecting the health and safety of our passengers and other crewmembers, we are also our nation’s last line of defense in aviation security.

Across the industry we are united. Our September 11th Unity Remembrance Pin was designed in solidarity with the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) to honor our heroes. AFA and APFA members lost their lives on September 11, 2001, but Flight Attendants across the industry – whether in our unions or not – feel the significance of this day and promise alongside us to never forget. We welcome all Flight Attendants across the industry to wear this pin representing the crews of all four flights and the bond we have as Flight Attendants. Wear this pin on September 11th and throughout the month of September, along with your official AFA white, red, or diversity pin. Local Councils will be distributing these pins in person starting later this week. Contact your Local Council to find out how to obtain a pin locally.

Join us for a moment of silence and quiet reflection at 8:46 AM Eastern Time on Monday, September 11th. Together, our unions will attend services at our nation’s three national memorials and the United States Capitol to ensure the public remembers the sacrifice of Flight Attendants. The 2024 AFA Honor Guard will attend the services in uniform, deliver the remembrance flowers, and ensure the names of our hero Flight Attendants, Pilots, are Passenger Service Agents, are read aloud at the memorial. Our union websites include a list of services around the country.

During the pandemic, we applied the lessons of September 11th to fight hard for our careers in the midst of a new crisis that could have again crippled our industry. Our efforts to care for each other, maintain our role as aviation’s first responders, and protect our jobs is all part of keeping the promise to Never Forget. It is through adversity that this promise is tested, but we will never waiver and we will always stay united in our resolve to protect, defend, and advance our careers – especially in honor of those we’ve lost.

We will never forget our heroes and we will always seek to honor their sacrifice with our actions – not only through our work for safer skies, but in the way we contribute to each of our communities at home and those that we visit around the world.

Twenty-five Flight Attendants, eight pilots and three Customer Service Agents died on September 11th. Today, and every day, we honor their memory. We will never forget:

United Flight 175
Robert J. Fangman
Amy N. Jarret
Amy R. King
Kathryn LaBorie
Alfred G. Marchand
Michael C. Tarrou
Alicia N. Titus
Captain: Victor Saracini
First Officer: Michael Horrocks
Customer Service Representatives:
Marianne MacFarlane and Jesus Sanchez

United Flight 93
Lorraine G. Bay
Sandra Bradshaw
Wanda A. Green
CeeCee Lyles
Deborah Welsh
Captain: Jason Dahl
First Officer: Leroy Homer

American Flight 11
Barbara Arestegui
Jeffrey Collman
Sara Low
Karen Martin
Kathleen Nicosia
Betty Ong
Jean Roger
Madeline Sweeney
Dianne Snyder
Captain: John Ogonowski
First Officer: Thomas McGuinness
Customer Service Representative: Renee Newell

American Flight 77
Michele Heidenberger
Jennifer Lewis
Kenneth Lewis
Renee May
Captain: Charles Burlingame
First Officer: David Charlebois

In Solidarity,

AFA International Officers
Sara Nelson, International President
Keturah Johnson, International Vice President
Dante Harris, International Secretary-Treasurer