Category: Messages from around the country

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Claudio Diez Canseco

I and my family are very sad for that terrible attack, Those persons that Die that day will be always In my prayers and in our hearts. Read more →

James Jennings

I remember this day and will forever. I was working on the US Embassy / Consulate hotline in Germany where i currently still live as a United States Citizen. I remember taking calls and just finished with a conversation. Co-workers were reading the internet, they looked at me stoned face, shocked and started apologizing to me as to what was taking place in the USA. I had… Read more →

Jo Thomas

~ Another day that changed the world forever… May we never forget their sacrifice and our memory of them… Read more →

Pia Kressin

It is a day that changed not only my life, but my Career forever. I will never forget my little boy, who was five at the time, looking at the TV, and watching the planes going into the Twin Towers, frozen in place, turn around and say, ” Mommy who’s flying your planes into buildings”? Wow, those words will never leave me. My life changed… Read more →

Jennifer Smith

Praying for the families that lost these precious loved ones. All are heroes, and will never be forgotten. Read more →

Faviana Tapia

Its already 10 years since the 9/11 attacks … They might left this world … but I’m sure they are sharing a great life with God, also I know that they want us to remember them with joy, not to grieve about their loss. >From Bolivia, every single day, since the 9/11 attacks I have prayed for their souls hoping they finally find the way… Read more →

Brenda Salscheider

I returned home from working a flt with UAL that morning. Upon seeing the news for the first time…my heart sank! I still weep for all of the souls lost that day and for their families and friends. I will remember them always. I will never forget! Bren~ Read more →

Lucy Hall

To the families and loved ones of the flight crews of the planes lost on 911 and everyone else on the ground, I thank you for your loved ones’ valor and commitment. I am a business traveler of 20+ years. 911 changed everything for everyone and unfortunately there are still people who do not understand that and are petty. I make a point of… Read more →